Equipment- A4 squared paper, sticky tape, small masses. Tray of water deep enough for a raft to sink. Camera.
In a group of three, each child to make a “raft” by folding the edges of the squared paper at different heights, eg 1cm to 6cm high sides.
Use the finished rafts to work out the surface area of the bases and the volumes held by the shape. Could provide useful comparative information later, eg, is there a link between area of base and mass held
Place one raft on water. Add mass until raft sinks-record.
Repeat for two others. Identify potential patterns, then use to predict the succeeding pattern. Continue and reflect on outcomes.
Describe activity in detail, evaluate outcomes and seek to devise a summative rule for the experience. Share outcomes with others and compare findings. If whole class involved in groups of three, data can be collated to include averages, explore data at a deeper level.
History of rafts- Thor Heyerdahl,
Stories with rafts- Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry Finn