Alternatives; in the woods, on sand, in snow, on water.
What about the worst colour to wear?
Explore camouflage.
Unnatural colour- undertake a litter hunt. Discuss.
Set up a fair test to find out who can hear a sound best.
What are the best clothes to wear to keep warm/to be cool? Fair test.
If you are wearing a hoodie, can you see as well as if you weren’t?
What’s the best coat material to keep dry?
Set up a fair test to find the best paper to send a parcel through the post.
Best ink to write a label on a parcel.
If you have plastic mirrors, what happens when you bend them?
Hinge two mirrors together with masking tape; what happens to images if you open them out different amounts?
Put two mirrors parallel. Explore and describe the images.
Try three hinged mirrors. Then make a triangle. Make your own kaleidoscope?
Paper structures. Show different ways to make a sheet of paper stronger, eg folding and rolling.
Use rolled paper to make a free standing structure 1m tall, strong enough to hold a crème egg.
Wind-up toys
How far will the toy travel for one turn of the winder? 2 turns? 3 turns? Predict for 4,5,6. Test and find out.
Does the surface make a difference?
What about on a shallow slope?
Make a device that will project a ping pong ball 3m into a container.
Make a free standing framework that will hold a mass 1m above the floor.
Design a packaging machine that will sort balls into 5s automatically.
Make a one minute timing machine.
Find a way to test whether a balloon weighs more flat or inflated.
Test elastic bands to find how much they stretch when mass is added.
Who has the strongest hair?
Collect an assortment of clothes pegs. Devise a test to find out the strongest.
Rafting (link)
Helicoptering. Simple helicopter model ( templates online) Time take to drop from different heights.
Make a bulb light up. Add a switch. Make 2,3 bulbs light up the same brightness.
Make a buzzer sound. Make a burglar alarm for under a mat.