Dialogue is at the heart of human development.
While it is an opportunity to display your personal thoughts,
Occasionally this can lead to a divergence of views.
The dilemma is occasionally the diverse experience behind the discourse.
Sadly, some to see dispute in dialogue,
Causing a display of dissent,
That can, in and of itself, become disabling and disruptive of a potential display of unity,
Leading to a complete division.
People are diverse, in their background experiences,
Which have been instrumental in developing their thinking.
At any point, their thinking is a distillation of these formal and informal experiences.
Some enjoy the thrill of disruption,
Disowning their own thoughts to disarm someone whom they see as potentially more discerning and challenging.
It’s hard to discard beliefs,
But learning involves occasionally disposing of even long-held ideas,
As these are challenged by new information.
Expressing disdain, disgust and dismay are used to disrupt and disturb; all are potentially destructive.
Dialogue requires discernment and allowance of nuanced divergence,
Occasionally agreeing that A.N.Other may have a point.
If dialogue falls into disuse, discord can quickly follow.
A divided profession is easily diverted from its main purpose.
Discuss, disagree, diverge, but keep dialogue open to learn from each other.
Dis-interest disrupts personal and organisational progress.