Measure your head circumference. Who has the larger head? Record for data handling later.
Put the roll around the circumference of your head and with a small space in which to move, join the two ends.
Join the two circles so that one is horizontal, the other vertical. You have the base of the mask.
A third roll is joined from back to front, joining where it hits the other two pieces. It can be folded in places to create a nose.
Frame made.
Use the 40:60 PVA mix and coat the frame where you will start to fix the paper strips to cover the frame. Work with dry paper and use the PVA on the brush to model the paper into place. It’s less messy.
Work your way around the mask first layer vertically, second layer horizontally, third vertically. That should be enough.
Leave to dry. A large plastic milk bottle can act as a carrier.
When dry, two coats of emulsion grade paint provides the base for final decoration.